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Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Day 196

Hope gets us started; encouragement keeps us going.
~ Zig Ziglar

Hope is an awesome word – we all hope for something. But without encouragement, hopes dwindle and fade. Every author starts out hopeful, but whether it’s rejection letters or lack of sales, we can often get discouraged. I like to read through encouraging quotes or Scriptures when I start to get discouraged, but one of the best things for picking me back up is an unexpected kind word from someone else. There’s something about direct encouragement that can’t beat anything else. But that’s not really something we can ask for – however, sometimes we just need to look to see it. It can be in a 5 star review or just reviewing e-mails from readers. The encouragement is usually there, and it can re-ignite our hope.

Marketing prompt:

Encourage another author today. Write a positive review, send an encouraging e-mail – just do something for someone.

Days to go: 169

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