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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Yoda Marketing

Do or do not, there is no try
~ Yoda

Everybody loves Yoda. He’s probably the most quoted little green guy in the galaxy. I do believe in trying (sorry Yoda), but I still love what he is intending to say. You either give something your all with the hopes of success, or you shouldn't even waste your time. Book marketing should be like that. If you aren't willing to put in the effort to see it through, why bother? Why waste your time, if you don’t think anything will ever come from it?

Okay, I've done a few things that I thought would be pointless, and seen amazing results. I can’t remember what I did, but I only did it to show someone else how fruitless it would be, and yeah... it turned out pretty awesome. Could you imagine how much more successful it would have been if I would have given it my all?

Marketing prompt:

Lower the price of your book for an upcoming holiday. Be sure to draft e-mails, blog posts and any other notifications/ announcements to help get the word out.

Days to go: 283

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