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Saturday, March 9, 2013


Day 68

“Book marketing is about forming relationships with readers, not promoting yourself or your work.”

When we originally think book marketing, we instantly think about promoting our books. But marketing is so much more than that. Effective marketing comes not from telling others about your book, but forming relationships with them.

Book reviews, tweets, and blog posts can only take an author so far. Real sales come from real people. People who want to read your book. I like to think of it as the friends and family model. Some authors only sell the books that are bought by their friends and family. Well, what if you had 3,000 friends? It would make a difference right?

Forming relationships with readers boosts the number of people who buy your book, not necessarily because they are dying to read it, but because they want to support you. Once they do read your book, hopefully they’ll be hooked enough to let others know about it, and buy anything else you write just because it’s so amazing, but the for the first sale, relationships pay off.

Marketing prompt:

Spend today working on forming and strengthening relationships. Consider sending a thank you card (or e-mail if you don’t have the physical address) to a reader or follower that has said something kind about you or your book.

Days to go: 297

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