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Friday, June 15, 2012

Google Alerts

Do you want to know what others are saying about your book?

Would you like to get a notification each time someone posts about it online?

Are you interested in seeing what your competition looks like?

How about where you are ranking in comparison to your competition?

If you answered yes to any of the above information, then Google Alerts could be just what you have been hoping for. I first heard about these a few months ago and I set a few up for me to follow, and I am so glad that I did! While some of the original search terms were a bust, others have given me so much insight. I am alerted whenever someone shares a review about my book, or when something new is posted for my industry, then allowing me to share it with my followers. It's keeping me in the know, without me wasting hours a day trying to sift through search results to find relevant information. 

I highly recommend signing up for Google Alerts if you haven't already. If nothing else, just follow the title of your book. 

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