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Friday, February 10, 2012

Making Money Online

Are you a writer who is looking for ways to make money online?

When I first started creating my online presence years ago, I didn't believe in a true (legit) work from home job. Sure, I loved the idea, I just didn't believe in it. Oh how far I have come! I got started working from via volunteer work that eventually evolved into something that I got paid for, but I have also discovered many other ways that writers can make money from home. I am just starting to dig into some of them, while others are still on my to do list. But the bottom line is that you can make money online, as long as you know what to look for, and what to avoid.

Here's the scoop- writers can make money by:

  • Blogging
  • Freelancing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • or Creating their own Products
Shelley Hitz is an example of someone who has done all of those, and she has created a report that you can download for free to help others do the same. In her report she goes into details about how to successfully work your way into each method. I highly recommend checking it out (because it is free after all). I'd love to hear about what you thought!

You can download the report here.


The main reason I write is to help other authors. I would love your feedback or suggestions for future posts or devotions. You can leave a public comment here, or use my contact form to send me a private message.