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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Rise Above

Day 94

“These days, the toughest obstacle you may face is finding a way to rise above the noise so that your work can be discovered.”
~ Kevin Kaiser, WD

People in today’s world are busy, and they are constantly being confronted with other people wanting to tell them something. That makes for a lot of noise. You not only have to compete with Terry Brook’s newest book, but also Aunt May’s meatloaf recipe and Shirley’s baby's dirty diaper. It doesn't seem to matter if you’re reading a blog, scrolling through Facebook, or taking a stroll through the park, there are always people trying to get you to listen to what they have to say – even if it isn't very important.

So What's The Key?

Post quality content. If Shirley’s baby's dirty diaper is getting more attention than your book, you’re not rising above, and you’re doing something wrong. Check your wording and your tactics.

Marketing prompt:

Create multiple boards on Pinterest that are related to your book. If you write fiction, you could create a board for the setting, a board for the characters style or sketches, and maybe even a board for the types of food eaten in the book. Make sure that every time you pin a photo to the board, you describe it’s relation to your book.

Days to go: 271

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